Parnham & Associates
Attorneys at Law
Sampling of Favorable Outcomes
The lawfirm of Parnham and Associates handles offenses charged by both the State and Federal Court systems, nationally and within the State of Texas. Our extensive experience in criminal defense ranges from simple to complex litigation
•State of Texas v. M.M.: Defendant was charged in Galveston County with the felony offense of Terroristic Threat, as well as two misdemeanors, one also for Terroristic Threat and the other for a Hoax Bomb. After spending time in the county, being evaluated and hearing before the Court, and agreement of a stipulated Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity was entered into. The Defendant is now in a State Hospital getting the help he needs.
•State of Texas v. M.C.: Defendant was charged with Assault of a Peace Officer, along with two additional felony charges. He had a history of mental health issues. After putting a packet together for the Defendant, having him evaluated, and conducting a hearing, the Defendant case was transferred to the Mental Health Court. He is currently living out intensive supervision through the mental health court system, which is a diversion program keeping out jail those whose offenses would not have occurred, but for their mental illness.
•State of Texas v. B.B.: Defendant is an out of state resident, but was in Texas attending her mother's funeral. She was ultimately charged with child endangerment while forging her way around Harris County during her stay. There were extenuating circumstances to the charges. The case was ultimately reduced to a misdemeanor and the Defendant paid a fine.
•State of Texas v. J.T.: Defendant was charged with Assault on a Peace Officer while truly attempting to commit "suicide by cop." Defendant had a history of mental illness and other extenuating circumstances in his life. After a long period of time in the county and attempts to resolve this case favorably for the Defendant, it was finally agreed that he be permitted to enter the FACT Program, which is a period of Deferred Adjudication, but all the while the Defendant will be under intense mental health supervision, to include med compliance and doctor visits, as well as being gainfully employed.
•State of Texas v. M.G.: Defendant was charged with indecency in Brazoria County. While under investigation and getting prepped to go the Grand Jury, a packet was prepared, and presented. The jury saw fit to No Bill the Defendant.
•State of Texas v. S. G.: Defendant was charged with Arson – Serious Bodily Injury. Defendant had a history of mental illness, with several hospital stays in his past. After evaluations and negotiations, it was determined that he be permitted to enter into a stipulated Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity plea and now is in a state mental health facility.
•State of Texas v. O.V.: Defendant was charged with Criminally Negligent Homicide. A pre-sentence hearing was held and Defendant received 10 years deferred adjudication with the added condition of 10 days jail time.
•State of Texas v. J.C.: Defendant was charged with Assault of a Public Servant, a third degree felony. Charge was ultimately reduced to a Class C Misdemeanor and Defendant was placed on two years deferred adjudication.
•State of Texas v. J.A.: Defendant was charged with a DWI in Montgomery County. The case was set for trial and the defendant was found not guilty by a jury.
•State of Texas v. T.D.: Defendant was charged with Intoxicated Manslaughter. Ultimately, a pre-sentence hearing was held after preparing a lengthy Defendant packet for the court, the Defendant was granted ten years deferred adjudication upon completion of a 180 day in jail program, New Choices.
•State of Texas v. T.O.: Defendant was charged with Intoxicated Manslaughter with a Motor Vehicle. Defendant held a pre-sentence hearing after preparing a lengthy Defendant packet for the Court, and the Defendant was given probation for a ten year period with 150 days in the county jail as a condition.
•State of Texas v. B.M.: Defendant was charged with Solicitation of Capital Murder. Ultimately, Defendant received ten years deferred adjudication, with specialized conditions.
•State of Texas v. A.Y.: Client originally charged with Capital Murder. The State elected to seek the death penalty. The jury rejected the insanity defense, but also rejected the State's plea for her execution. A life sentence was automatically given. The case was reversed on appeal. Client's second jury trial ended with a unanimous verdict of "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity."
•State of Texas v. R.G.: Defendant resided in Dallas and was charged in a homicide case here in Harris County. This case went to a trial by jury. Several eye witnesses identified the Defendant as the shooter. Defendant was found "Not Guilty."
•State of Texas v. A.M.: High school senior charged with assault in a school setting. After several months of negotiations with the State, as well as preparing a pre-trial diversion packet, Defendant received pre-trial diversion for one year. At the end of this probationary term, a Motion for Non-Disclosure will be filed and Defendant's record cleared.
•State of Texas v. C.H.: Defendant charged with murder in the death of her spouse. First trial ended in a hung jury. Case was re-tried and during the course of jury deliberations, a plea negotiation ended with the Defendant taking a term of ten years deferred adjudication (no conviction, no jail time).
•State of Texas v. M.A.: Defendant charged with sexual assault of a child while going through a divorce proceeding. The trial of this cause ended with a hung jury where the majority of jurors had voted for "not guilty". Defendant's case was ultimately dismissed by the prosecutor prior to a re-trial.
•State of Texas v. M.B.: Defendant falsely charged with theft (shoplifting) from Walmart. There was an altercation with security, for which a civil case is pending seeking money damages from Walmart. Defendant's criminal case has been dismissed.
•State of Texas v. D.E.: Defendant charged with DWI after leaving a business dinner. Defendant caused a three-car wreck on the way home, shattering the case of wine in her back seat. Video looks good, and Defendant refused a breath test. Case went to a jury trial, and concluded with a hung jury. Case was ultimately dismissed prior to a second trial.
•State of Texas v. L.G.: Defendant charged with DWI while driving home from friend's birthday party. There was no suspension of driver's license after the ALR hearing, and the DWI against Defendant was dismissed after several court appearances.
•State of Texas v. K.D.: Defendant was charged with murder in the stabbing death of her husband. She had a history of mental health issues. She was evaluated by a State's physician as well as a physician hired by the defense. She was found to be competent, and not insane by the state's doctor; however, defense's doctor found her to insane at the time of the offense. After many months of evaluation, court appearances, etc., the State's doctor re-evaluated the Defendant at the insistence of the defense. Ultimately a stipulation of "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity" was agreed to by both parties and a plea agreement was reached. The Defendant was sent to a mental health facility.
•State of Texas v. K.B.: Defendant was a high school student charged with theft (shoplifting). A pre-trial diversion packet was prepared and after several months, pre-trial diversion was granted to the defendant. Upon completion a Motion for Expunction of Records was filed and Defendant's record is now cleared.
•State of Texas v. S.B.: Defendant was charged with DWI, as well as felony assault of a peace officer. There was a video of the alleged assault, as well as a DWI video. Defendant was approved for pre-trial diversion (DIVERT) on the DWI, and the felony assault of a police officer was ultimately dismissed.
•State of Texas v. S.B. and State of Texas v. J.B.: Husband and wife defendants were charged with misdemeanor unlawful possession of a weapon and felony assault with a deadly weapon. There was an argument of defending self and child and an automobile chase was involved as well. Both cases were ultimately dismissed.
•State of Texas v. J. B.: This was a felony theft case that was ultimately dismissed with restitution.
•State of Texas v. S.R.: This was a criminally negligent homicide case which was indicted as a result of an automobile accident that caused the death of an individual. Defendant had a history of seizure disorder. Defendant acquired medical records and spoke to physicians. Defense made numerous presentations to the state and ultimately, the case against Defendant was dismissed.
•State of Texas v. B.S.: This is a case in which the Defendant was charged with three counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child. Our client was adamant from the beginning of representation that he did not commit these offenses. The case went on for several months, and a thorough investigation was done by the defense, as well as numerous pre-trial motions being filed. The cases against our client were ultimately dismissed.
•State of Texas v. J.T.: Defendant, in this case, was charged with arson and possession of a prohibited weapon, namely explosive materials. Defendant appeared on a video very near the scene and leaving the scene of the offense. After months of investigations, evaluations and court appearances, the possession case was dismissed and defendant was placed on deferred adjudication for arson, serving 30 days as a condition of probation.
•State of Texas v. J.E.: Defendant was charged with possession of a prohibited weapon in Bexar County, Texas. After several hearings and submission of a pre-trial packet, case was ultimately dismissed and expunged from Defendant's record.
•State of Texas v. K.T.: Defendant was charged with possession of a controlled substance. Defendant received one year of pre-trial diversion and case was ultimately dismissed.
•State of Texas v. G.S.: Defendant was charged with two counts of murder. Defendant "jumped bond" and was re-arrested many years later. Defendant also had a pending drug charge. A jury was selected in the murder cases and the first trial resulted with a "hung jury." Several months later, a second jury trial took place. The jury found Defendant guilty and gave him 20 years in the punishment phase. Defendant could have gotten a life sentence.
State of Texas v. G.S.: Defendant charged with felony theft in an alleged mortgage fraud case. Case was ultimately dismissed and Defendant's record was expunged.
•State of Texas v. C.B.: Defendant was charged with felony evading and felony child endangerment. After several settings and submission of a pre-trial diversion packet, defendant was given one year pre-trial diversion on both counts and the cases were ultimately dismissed. Both cases will be expunged from Defendant's record.
•State of Texas v. C.H.: Defendant was charged with DWI, failure to stop and render aid, and intoxicated assault. The intoxicated assault was no billed by a grand jury after a packet was submitted. Defendant received one year deferred adjudication on the failure to stop and one year probation on the DWI, both probations running concurrently.
•State of Texas v. C.W.: Defendant was charged with assault of a family member. Case was ultimately dismissed with Defendant's attendance at anger management classes.
•State of Texas v. R.C.: Defendant was charged with felony assault that was dismissed.
State of Texas v. G.L.: Defendant was charged with assault and injury to the disabled. She was the caregiver of a disabled adult who died while in the Defendant's care. A trial by jury rendered Defendant a "not guilty" verdict.
•State of Texas v. D.F.: Defendant was charged with murder in the death of her husband. When the case was presented to the grand jury, defense provided a grand jury packet and expert testimony. The case was "no billed" by the grand jury.
If you have been accused of a crime, please contact us today for a free consultation with an aggressive and resourceful criminal defense attorney. We will work tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.
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The Law Office of Parnham & Associates
440 Louisiana St., Suite 200 (The Lyric Centre), Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (713) 224.3967 | Fax: 713.224.2815